Your First Visit
Your first appointment is designed to answer a few commonly asked questions:
Is there a problem that would benefit from orthodontic treatment?
When is the best time for treatment?
How long would it take to correct the problem?
What is involved in correcting the orthodontic problem?
What are the costs of orthodontic treatment and what financial arrangements are available?
To ensure that we can provide you with the appropriate time for this detailed appointment, we would appreciate you arriving 10 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment. This ensures that all relevant paperwork and information will be ready for your appointment and we can address any concerns you may have in the best way possible.
We put aside 30 minutes for these appointments so we would appreciate it if you could let us know if you were unable to make this time. We will contact you personally to confirm your appointment a few days prior to the appointment. If we have not received verbal confirmation from you on the day prior to your appointment, we will assume that the appointment is no longer convenient for you and make this time available to another patient.
We would appreciate if you would please read, complete and sign the new patient form and our privacy policy that is sent to all of our new patients when their first appointments are confirmed with our receptionists. Copies of these documents can be downloaded from Patient Forms.